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How ReWorks the ultimate swag management
platform works

We’ll explain it in two ways below, by use case and how specific departments leverage our solution!

Use Cases

Customer Rewards

Give your customers the warm-and- fuzzies with thoughtful swag. Easily send gifts for simple appreciation, holidays, etc.

Employee Swag

Get the best company gear your employees will actually want. You can send straight to their homes or have on-hand at your offices.

Lead Generation

Use swag as a direct mail channel to drive leads and close deals with your clients by sending them ultimate swag packs.

Physical & Virtual Events

Easily send swag to remote, virtual event attendees or drop ship in bulk to trade shows and conferences

Sales Enablement

Let your reps send swag right from your CRM to get meetings and move deals through the funnel

Ready to get started?

We make the sourcing, management, and distribution of swag incredibly easy.

For Marketing

Send Giveaways via email or social channels to drive business. Ship swag easily to virtual or physical events. Rewards customers for sending you referrals. There’s a thousand ways marketing teams use our swag platform to generate sweet, sweet moolah.

For HR

HR teams use ReWorks to do things like send awesome kits to welcome new hires. Or reward employees for a job well done. Or send Work-From-Home swag to make staff more comfortable. We specialize in unique and incredible swag your employees actually want to wear and use.

For customer success

Customer-facing teams use our platform to send VIP kits and swag to customers to show appreciation, welcome new clients, reward renewals, or simply to say thank you.

For sales

Sales teams leverage ReWorks to send swag to prospects directly through their CRM. They can also request that swag be sent to various prospects or have it shipped to them so they can take it to meetings.


Ready to get started?

We make the sourcing, management, and distribution of swag incredibly easy.

Our swag management platform simplifies the buying, managing, and distribution of swag and branded merchandise.

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