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Swag management solutions

How ReWorks solves your swag problems

Why use swag in marketing today?

Because swag marketing is a highly powerful marketing tactic that is vastly underutilised.

Only a few of IT companies get swag right. Numerous opportunities for client engagement are being overlooked.


Why swag works?

It initiates a discussion.

It establishes a strong, tangible link.

It’s the only sort of advertising that prospects look forward to. 

It’s a channel that stands out and attracts attention.

After receiving swag, 85 percent of people conduct business with the brand.

For modern marketers, swag is broken

Branded swag is a tried-and-true medium. Despite this, only a small percentage of current marketers take it seriously. It’s almost never a part of their long-term marketing plan. Why?

When marketing grew up, swag didn't

Direct mail used to be a key marketing channel, Nowadays, most marketing is digital, automated, and trackable, Unfortunately, when it came to this technology-first marketing strategy, swag was left behind.

Vendors, not partners

Swag companies are well-known for their antiquated mindset. Their goal isn’t your marketing success; it’s razor-thin profits. It’s the number of shirts or chotzkies you’d want.

To them, swag is the end game. To you, swag is a means to the end— growing your business.

Lack of knowledge about current trends in the tech industry.

There is no inventory or fulfilment capabilities available.

There’s are no marketing technology available.

There is no internet platform. To get anything done, you’ll need to send long email chains.

Ready to get started?

We make the sourcing, management, and distribution of swag incredibly easy.

ReWorks Makes Swag Effective Again

Achieve strategic objectives, with these swag management solutions

Reward your customers

With clever swag gifts, you can increase loyalty and retention. Customer rewards and swag a good match?

Drive more qualified leads

Swag giveaways can be used to entice leads to fill out forms or attend demos. We can show you how to use a swag strategy to increase your lead generation.

Grow word-of-mouth referrals

Word-of-mouth is more effective than any other method in bringing people together.

Get more ROI from events

Make event swag a breeze and increase the number of visitors to your booth. Many of the moving parts can be handled by us.

Our swag management platform simplifies the buying, managing, and distribution of swag and branded merchandise.

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